Estudio Transversal: Prevalencia de Disfunción Sexual Femenina y Factores Asociados en Pacientes del Hospital “José Carrasco Arteaga”.
Palabras clave:
INTRODUCCIÓN: La disfunción sexual femenina (DSF) incluye múltiples desórdenes presentes en una de cada tres mujeres, la cual está asociada a varios factores propios y externos principal¬mente biológicos y psicológicos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de disfunción sexual femenina y sus factores asociados.
MÉTODO: El presente es un estudio transversal de prevalencia llevado a cabo en 303 pacientes entrevistadas en el servicio de Ginecología del hospital “José Carrasco Arteaga” (HJCA) durante 2013. Se conformaron dos grupos definidos por la presencia o ausencia de disfunción sexual para lo cual se utilizó el IFSF y contrastar los factores asociados. Se analizó la información de acuerdo a la estadística descriptiva, razón de prevalencia (RP) y chi cuadrado (χ2).
RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de DSF fue de 60.4%; las pacientes refirieron dolor durante la relación sexual (60.7%), alteración en el deseo y excitación (60.1%), falta de lubricación y anorgasmia (51.4%) e insatisfacción sexual (41%). Se estudiaron como factores: instrucción primaria (OR=7.04; IC–95%=2.21– 22.27; P=0.0001), edad 41–60 años (OR=5.72; IC–95%=3.37–9.70; P=0.0001), trastornos nerviosos (OR=2.70; IC–95%=1.44–5.04; P=0.002), enfermedades orgánicas (OR=2.35; IC–95%=1.44–3.82; P=0.001), cirugía pélvica anterior (OR=2.26; IC–95%: 1.31–3.90; P=0.003), violencia (OR=1.95; IC–95%=1.03–3.70; P=0.047), instrucción superior (OR=0.37; IC–95%=0.23–0.6; P=0.0001), consumo de cigarrillos (OR=0.46; IC–95%=0.25–0.87; P=0.023) y la ingesta de alcohol (OR=0.40; IC–95%=0.17–0.91; P=0.034).
CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de disfunción sexual femenina fue muy alta (60.4%), se encontró asociación como factores de riesgo con: instrucción primaria, edad entre 41 y 60 años, trastornos nerviosos, enfermedades orgánicas, antecedentes de cirugía pélvica y violencia; como factores protectores: unión libre, la instrucción superior, el consumo de cigarrillo y de alcohol.
Cross-Sectional Research: Prevalence of Female Sexual Dysfunction and Associated Factors in Patients from “José Carrasco Arteaga” Hospital.
BACKGROUND: Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) includes multiple frequent disorders which are pre¬sent in one of every three women; it is associated with many individual and external factors mainly biological and psychological. The objective of this study was to determine prevalence of female se¬xual dysfunction and its associated factors.
METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study performed with 303 patients who attended to Ginecology department of HJCA and were interviewed during 2013. The patients were divided in two groups defined by the presence of sexual dysfunction which was determined using FSFI and relation with every associated factors was established. Data was analyzed according to descriptive statistics, pre¬valence ratio (PR) and squared chi (χ2).
RESULTS: Prevalence of FSD was 60.4%; patients referred pain during sexual intercourse (60.7%), ab¬normalities of desire and excitement (60.1%), insufficient lubrication and anorgasmia (51.4%) and sexual dissatisfaction (41.0%). These factors were studied: primary education (OR=7.04; CI–95%=2.21– 22.27; P=0.0001), age between 41-60 years (OR=5.72; CI–95%=3.37–9.70; P=0.0001), nerve disorders (OR=2.70; CI–95%=1.44–5.04; P=0.002), organic diseases (OR=2.35; CI–95%=1.44–3.82; P=0.001), precedent of pelvic surgery (OR=2.26; CI–95%=1.31–3.90; P=0.003), violence (OR=1.95; CI–95%=1.03– 3.70; P=0.047), universitary schooling (OR=0.37; CI–95%: 0.23–0.6; P=0.0001), cigarette consumption (OR=0.46; CI–95%=0.25–0.87; P=0.023) and alcohol drinking (OR=0.40; CI–95%=0.17–0.91; P=0.034).
CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of female sexual dysfunction was very high (60.4%), association as risk factors was found with: primary schooling, age between 41 and 60 years, nerve disorders, organic diseases, story of pelvic surgery and violence; as protective factors, free union as marital status, uni¬versity schooling, cigarette and alcohol consumption were found.